Let me introduce you to the brave individuals who have decided to take "The 1 Year Wardrobe Resolution Challenge" with me. Each person has his or her own story, own purpose, and own "start date". So, on days when you think you are alone in this, here is your reminder that we are in this together. And, together we will make a difference!
Megan McFarland //
My name is Megan and I'm a shopaholic. No really, I am. I started a blog a couple years ago related to fashion, beauty, design and lifestyle and I've always had an obsession with shopping. It's spiraled out of control and left me with more stress and debt than I could have ever imagined. I've now come to realize that I shop to fill a void. Usually stress, sadness or boredom. It's always a temporary fix and never cures the problem. It's like an addiction. I just can't stop. I need something major to turn this around. After seeing what you've accomplished over the past few months with the 1year Wardrobe Solution, I'm inspired and know I want to do the same. I want to take the challenge, I want to help others and really see that I don't need anything. I have a passion for giving and want to put it to good use instead of wasting my time buying things. Lots and lots of things.
Missi Santos //
All my life, I’ve been known to shop for the latest fads, killer bargains, and the newest trends. If I had a stressful day at work, I would release it by hitting the nearest mall and doing an insane amount of damage to my wallet. I would also buy a clothing item just because it was a good bargain.
Fast forward to now. I recently had my first child and stopped working to stay home with him. We were a one income family and had to heavily budget our finances. About a month ago, a huge sale hit the retail chains. I couldn't help but whip my credit card out and shop, shop, shop. Unfortunately, the result was a high credit card bill. I justified by telling myself that I needed new clothes because my old ones wouldn't fit. I then looked at my closet and asked myself, “what am I doing??” Why am I buying things I do not need?
I then ran into the 1 Year Wardrobe Resolution website and Christi Hucks was a true inspiration. Her story and motivation made me want to stop spending money. I immediately gathered items that were never used and clothes that don’t fit anymore and donated them. It felt good to get rid of clutter. I immediately received a sense of calmness and knew that this was the right thing to do for myself.
Laura Yates //
I found you on Instagram, and I've been really intrigued and inspired by your journey. A few years ago, I put myself on a no-shopping-haitus for 6 weeks, and it was very eye-opening about my habits. In the last 18 months, I've been pregnant and changed careers. Because of this, my wardrobe needs and daily outfits have drastically changed. This challenge honestly couldn't of come at a better time.
Will this be difficult, absolutely. I'm one of the best shoppers I know. And I'm pretty sure my friends and family are rolling on the ground laughing. But taking a year off, and enjoying my very full closet is going to help my personal style evolve. My husband and I also have aggressive fiscal goals for the year in planning for our family's future. It all boils down to buying a new pair of shoes today, or designing the house and life of our dreams tomorrow.
Catie Park //
"I grew up in Conway, SC. I graduated from The Citadel, yes as a cadet, and went on to graduate school at the Medical University of South Carolina. I am a Physician Assistant (PA) and I practice psychiatry and emergency medicine in Charleston, SC. I reside in Mount Pleasant, have a dog named Bailey, and attend Seacoast Church. My hobbies include cooking, traveling, theatre, movies, and hanging out with my friends and family. I love shopping, whether it's at boutiques, malls, or online. SInce moving into my new house, my clothes have filled four closets, and that doesn't include any dressers or the closets at my parents' house. I even clean out my closets every 6 months and donate to Goodwill or my patients. Still, I have more than enough clothes. I want to learn to happy with what I have, save money, and give more. My spiritual pillar is that I may practice self-control by not spending money on clothes this year and instead, turn my focus to God and others in need."
Laura Stevens //
"I am a part-time working mama of two beautiful children. I grew up in the amazing city of Lexington, Kentucky where Rebecca Minkoff bags, Tory Burch flats, and Tom Ford shades run wild . . . along with the horses. I’ve recently had a personal revelation that my desire for new bags, new shoes and new clothes is an off-based attempt to satisfy a deeper discontentment within my heart. God is calling me out, and I’m inspired to respond! I want to lean on God in those times rather than trying to satisfy my urge to buy something just to make me feel better. I want to be the best version of myself that I can be and I believe in order to do that I need to surrender to God and allow Him to shape me into the person that he designed me to be. The things that make my heart truly come alive are authentic relationships, my family, and Jesus. I believe that we get back what we put into this world, therefore we should spread love."
Torrie Smith //
When I want to relax and have some fun, I enjoy time with my big family, crazy friends, amazing boyfriend, and of course my white kitten, Piper (crazy cat lady in the making?!) I also try to never miss a workout because fitness is free therapy and, in the words of Elle Woods, "Endorphins make people happy & happy people don't shoot their husbands...they just don't!" Thank you for creating this brainchild; I have already learned so much about myself, my faith has grown even stronger, and it's great to see how my students are reacting to the process already!"
Kelly Chakerian //
"I am a Jesus lover, wife, daughter, sister, auntie, and many more! I work at Foothill Church in Glendora, CA and am the Missions & Outreach Director. I am a lover for all things beautiful...the sea, the mountains, new places, new people, houses.... and fashion. I find myself pinning new outfits, finding cute mommas on Instagram and tagging my friend Katie back and forth on the next cutest trend. With that comes shopping. Since marrying an accountant, my love for staying on trend has been put on a budget, which has helped...yet I often find myself consumed with the latest fashion instead of spending time being consumed with the One who made me.
My friend Katie and I saw Christi's post about the 1 year wardrobe resolution from a cute gal we both follow on instagram, we both saw it at the same time and told each other about it. We were going on our Friday girls date... which usually turns into shopping...and both decided that day that the fact we didn't want to do it was God telling us to jump in and DO IT. We need to be thankful for what God has blessed us with & be concerned with who God made us to be as daughters of His Kingdom rather than concerned with who is going to like our new outfit. This was a challenge, and we grabbed our last basic items and February 1st 2014 was our "start date" with the one year wardrobe resolution!
The scripture that has inspired me throughout this has been 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Do not let your adorning be external-the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear-but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." I want to find my value in the Lord and not in things of this world. Of all people who should be thankful for what I have been blessed with and not be concerned with material things is myself. I see poverty on a daily basis in the career I am in and know that value, worth and true beauty does not come from clothes, but from Jesus living in me... but I am a sinner and I need to be reminded and sanctified over and over.
I am excited to journey through this with some awesome women who have decided to ditch the shopping for a year too. I am excited to struggle together, support each other, be reminded of how blessed we are, and how beautiful we are, without buying a single new item of clothing for a year. But more importantly, I am excited to grow closer to the Lord through this journey of simplicity and truly learn that all of these "things" aren't coming to heaven with me."
Katie Skutvik //
"Currently, I am an ICU Registered Nurse who loves Jesus, fashion, and shopping. My shopping partner Kelly and I both saw your Instagram post about giving up shopping for one year. Not knowing the other had seen the post, it was brought up during our usual Friday shopping trip. Feelings of conviction and being reluctant about this big decision was when I knew I had to do one year wardrobe resolution. In this next year, I hope to find contentment in all that I have. God knows this is a weakness of mine and through this sacrifice, I hope to be able to give back through this experience over the next 12 months."
Laura Lanier //
"I live in Charlotte, NC with my husband Ryan and 2 daughters. I am the director of an Education Consulting practice based out of Washington, DC. When I am not traveling around the country for work, I am home playing with Catherine (5) and Rylan (4) or spending quality time as a family exploring North Carolina. I am not one to sit still, so giving up my boutique visits and shopping has forced me to discover new ways to pass the time. I am a lover of fitness - focusing on barre, spinning, and running. My time is now spent pursuing experiences, travel, rediscovering friendships and planning quality life experiences for my family. Originally from Northern Virginia, I attended school in Charleston, SC and have been in Charlotte for 8 years."
Colleen Heckler //
"I am a 28 (soon to be 29!) year old. I have been a registered nurse since 2007 after graduating from Rutgers University. I work in labor and delivery and can NOT imagine doing anything else...bringing tiny little miracles into the world everyday! Being that I am a nurse, I only work three days a week. So what is a girl to do on those 4 days off?? Shop, of course! Hence my "addiction" and pledge to end the addiction via the resolution. I love spending time with my family, my crazy Jug puppy (Tucker) and my boyfriend (Dan). I also enjoy working out-Dan recently opened his second gym so I do bootcamp classes there (we'll all have to do it together when the team meets in NJ!) I'm very excited (and nervous) to take this plunge but hey, I'm all in now! Happy borrowing!"
Nicole Bell //
With the recent arrival of our fifth baby, it's time to transition my wardrobe and simplify my life. February 1st I joined this challenge to focus on that which is truly important. When I'm not running around after my children, I'm training to run my third marathon at a Boston qualifying pace. I also tend to buy and sell some houses and am a licensed Broker in Greenville, South Carolina.
Natasha Jasmine //
"I'm a 21yr old Student in York, England. I can't afford to have the shopping habits that I have! I've had a problem with shopping for so so long - I always thought 'Oh it's alright' 'life is short' etc. etc., and I decided in the New Year to 'purge' my wardrobe and to give all the clothes I hadn't worn in a while to charity, thinking it would solve my problem by giving - but it really hasn't. I've been praying and praying that God would help me and I shared this with my best friend today, who just told me about your Instagram! It's the best idea, EVER! Thank you SO much for sharing your journey and well done so far - you're an inspiration!"
Adam Hillis //
"I am the Database Manager and Youth Department Administrator for my church in Beaverton, Oregon. My beautiful wife Lisa and I were married in March 2007, and we welcomed our favorite son Asher in August 2012. Mowgli was our favorite, but his incessant barking and waking up the baby quickly placed him in 2nd. We also have another boy due to greet us in May.
After reading through some of the Instagram posts, I was really struck by the heart behind @the1yearwardroberesolution. Contentment. I have struggled with buying myself clothes at times, but I just struggle with contentment in general quite a bit. As a lover of electronics, I will also challenge myself to not purchase any electronics, apps, or "tech-y" stuff for the year (i.e. phones, tablets, home theater stuff, etc.)"
Kori Martin //
"My name is Kori Martin, just turned 30 and living life as a newly wed (a little over a year still counts right?!). I started this vow January 1st 2014 and haven't cracked yet! Originally I saw it as a way to cut-back on splurging or making unnecessary purchases (we are saving to buy a house) but it became so much more than that! It is way for me to constantly be reminded to choose gratitude and thankfulness over vanity. I avoid the mall and stay focused when shopping on what's needed and important and above all has nothing to do with ME!
I work full time in sales and marketing for a produce company, try to squeeze in working out daily, and am trying to save to start a design business on the side so this is really helping me to also focus on God amidst the business of life. Like Kelly Chakerian, I go to Foothill Church in Glendora."
I work full time in sales and marketing for a produce company, try to squeeze in working out daily, and am trying to save to start a design business on the side so this is really helping me to also focus on God amidst the business of life. Like Kelly Chakerian, I go to Foothill Church in Glendora."
Dani Silver //
"I am a mother of three boys, designer, and stylist. I live on Sullivan's Island in SC. The 1 Year Wardrobe, for me, is - break the cycle of buying things to fill a void. 21 days to change a habit, 365 days to change your life. Let's be honest, I am scared as hell! God has plans for me, excited to see where he leads me."
Leanne Koontz //
"My name is Leanne and I live in Anaheim CA. I live with my husband and a sassy little two year old named Olivia.
I absolutely know that this is the largest, most exciting journey I have ever taken! I can remember a few months ago when I was shopping and I didn't really need to, I was telling myself to just stop for a little while. But of course I continued shopping and went about my day. That little thought in my head never really left. I remembered the thought, but kept looking at online sales, JCrew, Gap, Nordstrom, and yes, I even love Target clothes!
It wasn't until I saw Christi's resolution that the little whisper in my head, "Why don't you just stop shopping for a little while?" became much louder. I could no longer ignore the voice. I totally believe that God used Christi to be that explosive voice..an actual voice that I could no longer ignore. Well it worked! I finally listened.
I know I can do this. I can definitely live with less. I already feel so liberated and at peace with this. I'm just letting go. However I know that will get a little tricky when summer comes around and when we plan to go to Hawaii! BUT....with some deterination and prayers (and a sister that might let me shop in her closet) I"m going to make it through the entire year.January 1st is sure going to mean a lot more for me in 2015. Not only will I probably shop, but I will also know that I accomplished a pretty big resolution!"
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